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Writer's picture: Dr Theresa PhillipsDr Theresa Phillips

Remembering The Night The Angel Appeared and A New Word Dr Theresa Phillips Just recently we had some wonderful people over to our home. As we were talking about times past I began to feel the Presence so very strong. It wasn't very long when I began to speak about the oil and how the Angel that visited me on that 12th night 12 years ago changed my life. I could actually feel the presence of that Angel that visited me and brought the oil. Suddenly the spirit of the Lord jumped inside of me as if I was leaping over a river and I ran to get the bottle of oil. upon returning to the room I began to anoint everybody with the oil and the bottle had not been opened in months. The fragrance filled the atmosphere I could remember the Angel Belshazzar, that came in dressed in his royal robes and royal diadem and how he stood in front of the desk, and he was living oil his skin was transparent and his fragrance emanated from the very being of who he was, and I was in awe.

I remember settling in the seat not knowing exactly what had just transpired but I knew that it had become eternal, and it had become majestic, and I knew that God had visited me with something special. I remembered the Presence of the king entering our house and the bottles falling into the Star of David after the Angel told me to clear clean and set my table for a king. {See Video} I remembered the fragrance never changed and to this day never has we were talking about these signs wonders and miracles when suddenly the Lord spoke to me and said signs wonders and miracles and the glory will return, and it will be greater than the former! My body began to resonate with excitement especially in dark times that we are in today. I looked over at the people that had been anointed with oil and I saw that the Spirit of the Lord had come upon them and that they were being transformed and my spirit inside of me wanted to yell please transform for the positive and lay aside the negative. Again, my heart began to swirl with the love of Jesus in the presence. I looked out the window and I could see the lights in the street and how people were trying desperately to celebrate Christmas in dark times. The Lord reminded me that darkness would cover the earth and then gross darkness and that we were in the days of darkness. Then God then said be a light in dark places I've sent you to be a light I've sent you I've sent you … I've sent you to brighton the atmosphere! Let my glory return to the House of bread ! Quietly I sunk back in my chair and I knew that God was speaking and, I knew that God was also giving a warning for suddenly I felt a lot of prophetic words and I knew there were many things I could not say… I heard the Lord again and behold. I began to remember the star in the sky and how the wise men three came on bended knee with their gifts and treasures to the son of God. And then I heard the Lord speak to me again and he said I will show you some mighty things that are about to happen in the earth Signs will appear in very dark places and I will let my Glory be seen. But the time is not right for in this day and in this hour I am asking for my church to arise and to celebrate for praise will change the atmosphere and your worship shall maintain it! This is what I had heard from the Almighty Son of God Then he said Come now Enter into the Joy of the Season for there you are my Church Glow now. Grow Now and Go Now. Be the Light in the darkness and Fear Not for Behold I shall bring you good tidings of Great Joy! Merry Christmas Dr Theresa Phillips The Kings Ambassador FYI 1000s I mean 1000s have been anointed with the oil for 12 Years and its still filling up Here is a picture of a few nights ago

_______________________ Have a Blessed Christmas and a Positive New Year .

Register For Glory Realms Series Of Broadcasts

Dr Sandie Freed is My First Guest

She is Currently Writing a Book on the Glory

Writer's picture: Dr Theresa PhillipsDr Theresa Phillips

I Saw Three Spirits Over the UNITED STATES Overturn With UNITY

As I inquired of the Lord, I asked the Lord why the severe turmoil?

The Lord does answer in many ways he speaks to us personally, he speaks to us through his word, he speaks to us through signs wonders miracles. And he speaks to us through the knowledge base that we already have! What I understand. Is that we are in a place in time. Where God has got to give us the directions that we need to pull down the strongholds that are over our nation that are trying to destroy the very foundation that we live in and have built upon. We thrive with our principles.

Our cry is constantly God help, God help, God help, God help.

All of this is done in prayer. All of this is done in communication. To one another, and, to God. We beg God for answers.

We beg God to help. We've even got to the point where we say God do this. Do that to someone.

Just do it.

But the truth, my friend is. We must be strategic. We must be honest with ourselves.

And with God.

As I repented before the Lord. I told him how sorry I was. For judging. And probably using the wrong prayer language. Praying with opinion not purpose.

I realized that I must be silent before Him to get the strategy that I personally must pray.

Today I am going to share with you the strategy that God has given me.

This strategy might touch your soul and you may come into agreement.

This strategy may not. For it may be in your area, there's another strategy.

So here it is.

There are three spirits at the Lord showed me. These are trying to destroy our nation.

The first spirit. Is the spirit of Leviathan. In job chapter 41.

The spirit of Leviathan cannot be removed by anyone but God. For we know it is the king of all pride.

But we also know the spirit of the Lord tells us through the word.

That pride goes before the fall (proverbs 16:18). Oftentimes we look at the word pride. And we think of that scripture. In a negative way.

But we have forgotten. That the root of all falling. Is pride. So, we must repent of pride. And being proud full of having pride.

The second spirit. And this is very powerful. Because the first spirit created the 2nd.

And that is the spirit of the Philistine. Oh yes, my friend. The Philistine is standing on the top of the hill.

He is dressed in armor and has a massive army around him. He himself is massive.

And the army picks up its weapons and shakes them at the armies of Saul. They are Loyal to Goliath because they have seen his strategy win before. They are not afraid for they THINK they have the weapon of all weapons Goliath.

Hence the victims are … Saul’s army.

Because they have forgotten they were the army of the Lord.

Here comes a young man comes in. Because he loves the Lord. And obeys his father. And he shakes up the armies of Saul. By saying.

1 Sam 1: 17 Who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should defy the armies of the living God?" They repeated to him what they had been saying and told him, "This is what will be done for the man who kills him." ... David said to Saul, "Let no one lose heart on account of this Philistine; your servant will go and fight him."

The armies of Saul. Begin to awaken. O longer they armies of Saul but now remember they are the army of the Lord!

In the end. The Philistine is pulled down off the top of the hill. His head is cut off. And the armies of Saul returned to becoming the armies of the Lord. And., they plunder the armies of Goliath. And they win!

Now I want to tell you about the third spirit. And this is a spirit we don't hear much about. Because we usually talk about it.

We speak about Samson and his weakness. Instead of Delilah, and her cunningness to bring forth that weakness.

We must get to the place where we recognize that Delilah is trying to destroy the Anointing that is in the church.

The Bible tells us that we have the power to pull down strongholds and wickedness in high places.

2nd Cor 10 3-5 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not [a]carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,

It's going to take a fresh anointing and an awakening to destroy the Army of Saul.

It's going to take the anointing!

Thee anointing will give us tools to restore the armies of the Lord. And it's going to take the anointing of kingship. ( David had a leady been anointed of kingship at this point in one of his 3 anointings).

We must repent to bring forth the anointing. To destroy STRONGHOLDS. We must restore the army of the Lord. Then, strike down the army of Goliath.

And therefore, the proud voice of arrogance and anti-Christ will be Destroyed by God.

The pattern here was simple.

The three spirits are.

The spirit of Leviathan. PRIDE

The spirit of the Philistine, full of pride. Bullyish and Fear Mongering.

And the spirit of Delilah. Which has captivated the flesh and lulled the church to sleep.

Made the church comfortable.

This spirit took the church out of the church. And stopped the anointing.

While I was in the spirit, I heard the Lord say, gather the armies.

And I said. I'm not the voice to gather the armies.

Then the Lord spoke to me again, and he said, be a voice. For I will bring forth many voices. That will sound very similar.

I must awaken this country from one end to the other from the North, the South, the West, and the East. I tell you now. The word is in your mouth. Tell them remind them they are the army of the Lord.

And I will give them… The tools to destroy… The armies… Of the philistine says, the Lord.

I will overturn these three spirits.

I am asking my church to unite. And be a voice. To overturn. The spirit of pride. The spirit of fear. And the spirit. Of Delilah.

Go now into your secret place. And I will commune with you there. And I will give each person. The strength to be a voice. I will do this, says the Lord.

Dear Jesus. I pray in your powerful name. That you speak to the church. Show them these three spirits. And help us overturn them. To save the nation. That saves the world. Take us away. From being so globalistic in our thinking, that we now concentrate on home.

Lord Jesus. America must be saved by your mighty outstretched hand. Touch us now. Speak to us, anoint us. For we are no longer going to be the armies of the spirit of Saul. We won’t coward in fear WE WILL ARISE!

And we will return to become the army of the Lord. In Jesus name I pray Amen.

The Kings Ambassador

Dr Theresa Phillips

These Anointing Oils are Amazing

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