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Writer's picture: Dr Theresa PhillipsDr Theresa Phillips

Why The King Is In The Field Is So Important!

The truth is most people do not understand the importance of the king is in the field. The reason this is so important is that His Majesty King Jesus comes to labor among his people to see what they are doing with what he has given them.

In Royal Circles The Kings Coming is an exceptional time. It's not a will-be someday. It's a requirement of The King To Be Seen is to Be Believed This is why EUEL is VITAL. Here we see the Crowds gather and PRAISE HIM! When The King is in the Field... He moves with them. He talks with them. He listens to what they have to say And, he shares his father’s heart. All have become one for that season of the King is in the field. Every person in the kingdom must recognize the importance of the season for this is where petitions must be carefully laid out. This must be a time of true reflection as to what is truly God’s priority! The king is in the field! In this season many will be elevated o higher positions due to Loyalty and Faithfulness.  Some who have not been faithful could be removed For the KING has the final say. We in the US many have no concept about the reigning of kingship in the Kingdom. Being an ambassador is not just being IN. It's subservience to the Royal Command and Fulfilling His desires not our own. When we are called Ambassadors is beyond praying in his name. IT IS REPRESENTATION. Truly manifesting Him as his extension. The season we are in HE IS LOOKING FOR AMBASSADORS Are you willing to allow him into your life and see what you have done?

PART 2 Why The King In The Field is so IMPORTANT!

We sing the King is Coming. The King is Coming... But in this season of Elul The King TABERNACLES with his subjects.

Before a king enters his city, its inhabitants go out to greet him and receive him in the field. At that time, anyone who so desires is granted permission [and can]6 approach him and greet him. He receives them all pleasantly, and shows a smiling countenance to all . . . This is HE IN THE FIELD greeting loving dining and BEING in all facets of life Remember the field has total value. It's Currency It's Family It's Business

Its Government IT'S ALL 7 Spheres of influence. He represents all of GOD'S' creation. All his subjects are there to relate to him in his presence. Here The king's Presence is intense the People see him as THEIR own SOVEREIGN who supplies who LOVES Who Dwells to make intercession for them He is representing The Glory of GOD and is reminding us all of HEAVEN. He there is showing the Earth is his footstool and "The earth is the LORD's, and the fulness thereof" This is the time when GIVING BACK to the King sets the stage of New beginnings of NEW. This is THE NEW when we start a new relationship with the King. We there can cry I am my Beloved's and His Is Mine.

The Kings Ambassador

Dr Theresa Phillips

We have a new Oil

Its Call Joy

And it's Beautiful! HERE


There is something learned these days.

Let us ponder on who we really are.

Perhaps we need to remember What and Who America is.

I have been remembering how my father would talk about WWll.

And how his favorite Movie was God is My Co-PIlot.

I began to reminisce in my mind about how much he would love watching the war movies.

During the last year or so..i have been pondering about our nation.

I felt tears in my eyes...I didn't know why.

I felt almost scared.... What is going to happen to my

"Beloved America"?

The hatred that comes if you don't agree makes you the bad...

The discord all over the nation... From coast to coast.

Talk is everywhere about the march to the capitol and noting about antifa. .

Watching the moral of a nation disappear to hearols of self pity and lone righteousness Is a disgrace.

I stand aghast at the demise of our freedoms under the scrutiny of the CDC.

I sand forlorned at the prospect of forced silence among conservatives.


I began again to weep and shout" Please God restore America From the top down."

When someone takes the office- they marry that nation.

That is why I was crying. We have lost the need to be RIGHTEOUS.

Where is American Honor and Pride that makes us so great?

I was weeping... Over America.

Today I drove the main street of my city again remembering my father How much he loved this community and how much he did to improve it. I was so proud of his accomplishments.

They reminded me of his God- Country- Family. The price he paid the price paid by our forefathers. Even the price paid by my own husband who served 30 years.

Sobbing driving the streets of our city. Save this city O Lord Save us.

The car became silent...

When Suddenly the Lord spoke to me

"Theresa America has not lost her inheritance!

She is about to Bounce Back in a strong way But not the way people think. It will be my people who are called by my name who will arise and take down the enemy.

A lot has been taken and laid aside. Tossed because of pride.

Morality has diminished and values have been cast into a heap.

But, I am awakening TRUTH and SUBSTANCE".

Those in The United States of America are about to COLLECT THEIR INHERITANCE once stolen by Naysayers,Thieves and Injustice.

Privately,Cooperating and Nationally.

Yes, I am about to do this and in some places, its is already being done.

I will overturn Roe Wade! Watch me!"

I will restore diplomacy and Dignity. Watch me!"

And I will give Strategies to those who ask for them. Ask of me Again i ay Ask of me.

Psalms 2 Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession. Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel. Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth.

I am restoring compassion to the cities... WATCH ME!

Many storefronts that are closed will become open. Flourish.

Some will become HOMELESS SHELTERS for I am calling the cities to rescue their people.

Families that once were torn apart by money politics and religion will begin to unite and restore to each other that which was taken."

For the enemy had come to kill steal and destroy

John 10:10 10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

O, Lord, I said no one will believe this word...

Theresa, He said "I am also reversing the language"

I am giving a fresh look at language and i am challenging all to rethink what they say and how things are to be said. O yes there will be the foul but man will yearn for the pleasant.

Proverbs 16:24 24 Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.

The language of Yes... and Amen... WILL COME TO PASS!

Again I began to weep I was feeling stronger.

He spoke again directly to me!

"Go Theresa and Be strong and of Good courage, I am with America.

Josh 1 : 9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."

Remember GOD is My Co -Pilot...

The Kings Ambassador

Dr Theresa Phillips


Yesterday July 28 I awoke with JOY a new oil And it's ready!

It smells like a garden in the tropics

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Chicago IL, USA

©2017 by Theresa 

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