Hope all is well! It’s been quite a long time since I last published anything here, and I truly appreciate your patience and continued support.
I’ve been diligently working on an exciting new adventure that I can’t wait to share with all of you.
Will you take this journey with me?
As many of you are aware, I have dedicated over 35 years of my life to serving as a minister, and I can honestly say that I love every moment of it!
My calling has been a profound source of fulfillment and joy in my life.
Without God, I am NOTHING! His presence in my life is the foundation upon which I stand.
Jesus saved me and continues to guide me every single day. How grateful I am for His unwavering love and grace!
Recently, God has illuminated a path for me, a path that I have been slowly but surely embracing.
It’s a journey filled with purpose and divine inspiration.
I have a deep passion for prophecy, ministry, and the art of creation.
Each of these elements plays a significant role in how I express my faith and connect with others.
As many of you know, I have also pursued training as a skincare formulator, among various other endeavors that fill my days with creativity and purpose. What started as a single product has blossomed into a collection of 40 unique items now available in our online store, each crafted with care and intention.
Most of you are familiar with the story of the Oil. Well, it has found its way into our skincare line, enriching the products in ways that reflect the healing properties we cherish.
I absolutely love spending time in my garden each year, carefully planning what I will grow for both nourishment and enjoyment, including a variety of beautiful flowers. The process of nurturing plants and watching them flourish brings me immense joy.
This year, I’ve made a conscious decision to return to basics, focusing on harvesting and participating in local markets. It’s been a rewarding experience that allows me to connect with the community on a deeper level.
I cherish the opportunity to meet new people and share the miraculous stories of Jesus with them, and I’ve found that they are genuinely receptive. How desperately we all need our beloved Savior, Jesus, in our lives!
Ministering at my church brings me the HIGHEST honor in serving God, and that is truly where my heart lies!
My vision is to raise up a community of ministers who will expand their spheres of influence and inspire others to do the same across all 7 Spheres of Influence.
The Ministry of Jesus is meant to permeate every aspect of life, not just within the confines of the church. It’s about living out our faith in every area we touch.
In addition to my ministry work, Robert and I have embarked on a meaningful charity outreach aimed at serving medically confined veterans. This initiative is close to our hearts as we love serving our community and reaching out to those who may feel forgotten, offering them prayer and support on a personal level.
On a personal note, I am currently working on a script for a film, and I am filled with excitement about this creative endeavor. However, I understand that it’s a process that requires patience and dedication.
Who would have thought that I would find myself participating in such a contest? Yet, this platform has provided me with a wonderful opportunity to share the incredible things Jesus has done for me, and I am grateful that people are listening.
By the way, I would greatly appreciate your support—PLEASE VOTE FOR ME!
Vote Click Pic
Oh, and about the rollout? Yes, I’ll be posting here more frequently to share the insights and revelations that God is showing me, along with the wonderful things He is sharing with me.
I was lost in thought when suddenly I realized I had entered the 2nd heaven, the Battle Ground of Good Vs Evil.
I saw many people trying to battle against some of the most horrid creatures.
These creatures were dressed in armor filled with more weapons than one could imagine.
Some from medieval times to the present day and weapons not even released on earth... YET...
Somehow, I was not nervous. Alarmed, yes, but not nervous.
I stood off in the distance as if I were just a mere watcher.
Then... WOW, there it was, a shift. Many men ascending into this atmosphere. These were Christian men of war and were now gathering in this place.
All of them dressed for battle wearing the full armor that God had given them. Some of the armor was polished and some was dented.
But I knew what it was.
A huge table was off to the right, all within the atmosphere. The men were deciding what action to take?
I knew I was looking at the beginning of a strategic warfare planning that was about to take place In I earth In the below.
I had somehow been taken to a war room in the heavenlies.
Earnestly, I leaned in to hear what was being said when suddenly a warrior of darkness swooped by me and spoke,
'Not your place, you don’t belong here.'
I was taken by surprise and realized my time here was closing. The Presence and I were going to leave.
Then out of nowhere I heard my name, 'Theresa, you have been allowed to come here to witness this council and listen for a moment about what is going to happen.
When you are able, go tell what you see!'
I began to tremble, and I knew I had been on assignment.
The Presence with me was calming and reassuring.
Then something commenced: the evil warriors were now fighting each other. Rattling shields and clanging weapons, it was dreadful...
Scriptures came Deuteronomy 28:66-67,
"Your life shall hang in doubt before you. Night and day you shall be in dread and have no assurance of your life."
Sitting in council, the table of directors of Holy Warfare were talking.
One stood up and said, "SILENCE!" The atmosphere went silent.
He yelled, "I came here in the Name of the LORD!" and the silence grew even more dreadful. And yet I felt an unusual peace.
Psalms 124:8, "God's name is our help, the same God who made heaven and earth."
I looked about me to see if Jesus had entered. But His name had... and I was reassured in the power of the name of the Lord!
Psalms 83:18, there's power in the name of the Lord because He who holds that name is all-powerful.
Another Suddenly... Across the atmosphere came a myriad of angelic beings, they were being sent to the below.
They moved quickly through this 2nd heaven and nothing else moved.
After they passed, the Warriors of evil began to shake with hate, shouting and screaming toward the table of Directors of Holy Warfare. They heard and gave them no attention, not afraid at all.
Somehow, I had advanced closer to the table, and I saw a huge map. The map of the world was placed before the men at the table, and many were talking and moving land borders across the map.
O My, I thought, the shape of nations will change!
One of the mighty men looked at me and said, "you see here there will be wars and more takeover of land."
"Our Father promised the very land in which you step. We must establish that."
Joshua 1:3, "I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised Moses.
I began to hear the men say, 'Prayer. Position. Purpose. Duty. Ability!'
We will ignite the believers to prepare for engagement with tools for the strategic elements we will release from here.'
Let us move men into higher places and let all hear the prophets and ask the Father to move the prophets closer to the promises of our Lord for the people’s sake.'
All nodded in agreement and began to look at the map.
I was now back in my seat where all this began, wondering how I can be a voice. I had been trembling and did not know it.
Again, I was filled with tears and now more hope than ever.
Dear Jesus, send us help, help us be strong and of good courage for the end is not yet. And we need to PRAY that the Apostles and Prophets Receive the Strategic Directions to Govern the Below.