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Updated: Oct 18, 2024

The Glory Realms...They Are Here and Get Ready Says the Lord


I was watching the sky and suddenly I saw a huge cloud coming in from the east.

The Cloud began to overtake the sky.

I couldn’t stop looking when i realized this was an unusual cloud.

It was the color of Red Beryl and underneath the cloud was the color of deep purple.

under that color was an colors of iridescent blue  ( Opal) mixed with radiant red..

I stood in awe my mind wandering toward the realms of Heaven.

My heart leapt inside of me as I noticed something ...

The undersides of each color were majestic stones.

These stones were alive with vibrance, and they were shaking as if at any moment they would fall to the earth.

Ahhh I knew what it meant A New Realm of celestial glory was emerging.

I began to get so filled with jubilee and excitement that tears were coming down my face!

I began to look up the colors of the stones and here is what I found.


Red Beryl : Ezekiel 1:16Regarding the appearance of the wheels and their construction: they gleamed like chrysolite (beryl, olivine); and the four were made alike. Their appearance and construction were a wheel [set at a right angle within a wheel.

(Red beryl is a rare and valuable gemstone that symbolizes creativity, purity, and achievement. It's also said to have many other meanings, including: 

  • Wisdom, resilience, and healing: Beryl stones in general are said to symbolize these qualities)

Beryl, a green or blue-green gemstone that can also be turquoise, white, or rose, is listed among the 12 sacred gemstones in Revelation 21, along with jasper, sapphire, chalcedony, emerald, sardonyx, sardius, chrysolite, topaz, chrysoprasus, jacinth, and amethyst. In the Bible, beryl is thought to represent the Nephtali tribe and is found in the breastplate and wall foundations. It is also associated with happiness and everlasting youth


Purple Stone Amethyst

Amethyst, Ex 28:19, 39:12, Rev 21:20 Amethyst is the third stone in the third row of the breastplate and the twelfth and last stone listed in the foundation of the New Jerusalem. Amethyst is a variety of quartz that is best known for it's rich purple color.


What is the amethyst stone in Revelation?

Amethyst appears in the breastplate, the wall foundations, and among the king's treasures. This stone was thought to prevent intoxication. Drinkers would wear an amulet of amethyst for this reason. It is supposed to provide deep and pure love.


The Opal Iridescent Stone:

The opal is mentioned in the Bible in the Ligure, which is also known as "double fruit". The opal's many colors and characteristics are said to represent the Son of God's heavenly life. The opal's imperfections may also symbolize how people can reflect God's love through reconciliation, prayer, and good works. Other symbolic meanings of the opal include: Being a light to the nations, Being a lamp of fire, Refracting Christ's light, and Shining light to others. 

The opal is also mentioned in Exodus 28:19-21, which lists opal as part of the third row of stones


And The Ruby!!! Rubies are mentioned in the Bible several times and are associated with wisdom, beauty, and power: 

  • Exodus 28:17

The first stone of the High Priest of Israel's ceremonial breastplate is called Sardius, which is the original word odem, meaning "blood-red". 

  • Revelation 4:3

The Bible says, "And He that sat was to look upon like jasper and a sardine stone (ruby): and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald". 

  • Proverbs 3:15-17

The Bible says, "Wisdom is more precious than rubies; nothing you could want is equal to it". 

In the Bible, rubies are also used as a comparison to understand the value of other things. For example, in ancient Sanskrit, rubies are called ratnaraj, which means "king of precious stones". In the Bible, rubies are considered more valuable than diamonds, and only wisdom and virtuous women are considered more valuable than rubies. 

In Christian tradition, rubies also symbolize the sacrifice of Christ on the cross, as the gemstone's deep hue and purity represent the blood of Christ. Rubies are also linked to God's commandment to "be fruitful and multiply" (Genesis 1:28), and are often worn by pregnant women for protection during childbirth. 


These stones all represent the Realms of what’s coming and what’s waiting on us.

I was reading the meanings and suddenly I saw the cloud again and its coming closer...

Are we ready?

Can we see?Will the kingly glory come?

YES.   YES.   YES.   Says the Lord

For i now say unto you

Behold the Glory. Behold the Cloud. Behold with your own eyes the realms of the Spirit


Ahhh, I say do not fear Do not yield. Do Not stop your PRAISES For in the PRAISE I will pour out the realms of the Spirit likened unto realms of heaven.

Yes, I say to you der ones come together and watch me move. says the Lord

For I Am wakening the bride I am stirring the skies I am releasing a new glory .

O yes Behold your God'


Meditate: Genesis 9:16 “And the bow shall be in the cloud; and I will look upon it, that I may remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth.”

Luke 21: 18

And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.


The Kings Ambassador

Dr Theresa Phillips


Miracle Report: Thank You all who have been praying for me and standing with me for my healing

Two weeks ago I had major abdominal surgery.

I had been ill for quite some time... I saw a surgen and he found a very rare hernia in the inside of my colon. It had burst and another part of my intestine jumped into the hole and tied a knot. While part of my intestine had moved i had a gap in my abdominal cavity and then another part of my intestines tried to fill it with another knot.

I am blessed to be alive and grateful God kept me while I had been suffering this for a long time.

I was told these are usually found in the autopsy report!

LOOK at GOD im thinking perhaps He's not done with me.

God bless you all


Dr Theresa


Writer's picture: Dr Theresa PhillipsDr Theresa Phillips



I was awakening from a restful nap when I saw a flash of light stream into the room.

The light began to take on an image

The image became clear, and it was a silver sword with a golden guilt handle incrusted in diamonds.

All shapes and sized of diamonds.

I gasped in awe thanking the Lord for this.

When suddenly I hear these words echo throughout the room.

Strengthen your arms and be ready to lift the sword.

I threw my hands in the air and said here Lord.

Yet He spoke…

Have you built up your arms?Have you the strength to carry the sword I have given you?

Then I heard this.

Psalms 18; 32 It is God who arms me with strength and keeps my way secure.

I looked in the mirror and said God we can do this.

I heard Him say this clearly to me..

Luke 22:36 - Then said he unto them, but now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.


The Lord was reminding me of the price paid to have the privilege of carrying the Double Edged Sword.


(Hebrews 4 12 For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.)


I questioned myself about the price paid for a sword…

As I began to pray, I began to realize the price was paid when I became saved. He paid I and I MUST receive it.


But did I appreciate the gifts? The Power of the sword?


Did I become slack in using what he promised me to have?

Had I fallen behind my own assignment?


So, I began to re visit scriptures about the sword of the Spirit the Sword of the Armor and The Sword is the WORD.


The Sword of War 1 Samuel 25:13 - And David said unto his men, Gird ye on every man his sword. And they girded on every man his sword; and David also girded on his sword: and there went up after David about four hundred men; and two hundred abode by the stuff. The physical sword has many uses. But it is used in battle.

Have we kept ourselves strong, have we joined the army?


The Sword of Spirit Eph 6 : 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Denotes that the Spirit Himself has weapons of war.


Now we must retrain ourselves for battle says the Lord.

Physically Mentally and Spiritually.



I was instantly reminded of this>>> Romans 13:4 - For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.


How can I be obedient I asked.

He said have you a desire to see me move?I said yes Lord.

He said I choose to move through my church.

I said yes Lord.

He said The Church needs to sharpen their swords. Strengthen their arms and be ready to be available when I call.

Yes Lord.

I am awakening revelation wisdom and action.

Do not be afraid I am with you.

I cried out Lord Here am I send me Use Me!

The room went silent The commission had begun…

I stepped in another room and dusted off some 5 lb. weights

10- 20 30 reps..

Tomorrow, I will do it again. And then again.

And still say

Here am I Lord

Send me. Use me.


The Kings Ambassador

Dr Theresa Phillips


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©2017 by Theresa 

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