Royal Spa Kit. How it Started and How It’s Going.
As a special gift my husband purchased a facial for me at a spa. That cost him 100s of dollars.
While there I asked a lot of questions about what was being put on my face. She honestly answered.
When I came home my skin felt wonderful and I realized I had some of the ingredients already!
I wanted this again, so, I tried making it myself AND it was successful!
I then made a few packages and gave them to ladies in my church THEY LOVED IT!
So, I kept making it.
After working with an outside lab who was making some products for me, I realized I needed to make this for myself.
I then decided to go to school and have now developed nearly 30 Products of skincare for all skin types and ages.
It’s been a marvelous journey. But, I must confess
It contains a Full Professional Organic/Natural Facial.
The Organic Wash is simply wonderful (and it removes spots on clothing as well).
We supply the wash and the process.
The Brightener Serum is just that Brightening yet, softening. It contains Vitamin C (which helps reduce fine lines and discoloration). This vitamin C is derived from Pink Grapefruits extract and Lemon Extract.
Easy to use simple apply to your face and use a warm wet washcloth over face count to 20 and that’s it.
Next step? The Calmer its full of softening agents such as Lavender and Chamomile that soften skin as well has hydrate it.
Then Again use a warm wet washcloth count to 20 and there you have it!
And then… use the Royal Glow Moisturizer which is full of Green tea Olive Oil Royal Oils Jojoba Cream
Rooibos Leaf Extract Aloe. Perfect hydration and skin soothing.
Finally, we have the Under eye cream Great for wrinkle sand that crepey skin that comes as we age. But we can combat this! This is our final product and the whole process took 10 minutes.
Yes we can afford 10 Minutes of time to help turn back the clock.
Here are a couple of before and after’s.
Put You Best Face Forward we say around here!
The Pic on the Left was from 2010 That is how much transformation has happened!