Song.. Come they told me pa rum pa pa pum.....
Luke 2: 12 And this will be asing to you : you will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a manger.
O how glad I am! So very glad my heart burns within me and so full of joy and at mercy. Steady as I go...
Make my heart beats some more with Joy unspeakable.
It's a joyous season.. What shall I give you? The kings. The Shepherds the Many People!..All came. They saw the star and followed. Treasures poured out and lives changed...
I have one thing to give you. Something so sacred to me.
Its my loyalty my heart my ME.
Yes I give you me.
Restore to me the path you forged for me.
Grant me access to your wisdom and your ways.
I pray for abundance of grace and mercy to pour through me to others who might need you.
O yes I have gone another way... I have seen and tasted the goodness of Christmas and now I shall behold MY KING!
Dr. Theresa Phillips