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Writer's picture: Dr Theresa PhillipsDr Theresa Phillips

Song: Angels we have heard on High Sweetly singing or the place... and the mountains reply.. Echo.... The day of new beginnings.

Its The new Year HAPPY GOD a New Year Old things pass away BEHOLD....

Luke 2:14 Glory to God in the Highest and son earth peace goodwill toward men..

Today I shall find a place of refuge for someone.

I hear the angelic choir the birth of Jesus now proclaimed.

I have realized I must be the gift for those who need to know..

But Lord, I shall say Glory to GOD. To love you, is to give you.. To have fellowship with you is to extend your grace.

I pray I may be grace extended...As we begin to take down the festive decorations I choose to stay festive.

I am strengthened. Renewed... The sky is bright and the song has not departed from my heart. I can hear the Angels Choir...

I am looking into this New Year. I am sensing expectation of a fresh start O GOD share with me your heart.

I do desire to give it away. It's Christmas Every day!

And then... guide me with arm of strength I am developing your mind in my soul. Ahh The Mind of The Christ..To be like a child....

Thank you O Majestic GOD of Heaven...

Dr Theresa Phillips


Song...I'm Dreaming of A white Christmas just like...And its New Years Eve.. Yes I'm singing!

Luke 2 :7 And she brought forth her firstborn son wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger because there was no room in the inn..

I searched my heart and saw sit was lonely.. The big day has passed some decorations are beginning to fade...Neighbors homes are no longer lit. I felt let down..But it's still Christmas In my Soul.

Putting away special boxes I glanced toward the garden ahhhh the snow was starting to fall.... its 12 days of Christmas after all..

The elements of memories began to flood my mind...

The son on the hay the shepherds in the fields the people came from miles around to follow the star.. and I was alone.

Then suddenly I stepped outside. The flakes of snow hit my face I know it is God. He has shared his love.

Though my sin is scarlet I was white as snow.

One begins to sense a rise in the spirit. O its joy! It's A MIRACLE Christmas time. It's hasn't passed there are still 5 more days I shall make it last..

O Lord see me and have mercy I need to to strengthen me its 12 days of Christmas..

I am here feelings running to and fro hear, I am still asking you to show me the peace and understanding I need to believe that these days will last all year long.. So i will continue to sing a song...

O Lord I believe in Christmas!

Thank you Amen

Dr Theresa Phillips

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Chicago IL, USA

©2017 by Theresa 

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