Song.. We Three Kings of Orient Are Bearing Gifts We Travel So Far....
Matt 2;22 Saying where is he that is born King of the Jews? For we have seen his star in the East and are come to worship him.
While taking in the season we often travel ... yet, the focus is still to born the gift of Jesus. Is he in me ?
How can I keep giving i'm worn out.. The kids and their play time and all that is happening..
Still I have cookies or bread I have soup made from the meals.. I looked out a window and there she is the lady across the street shoveling her walk.
Dare I?
Yes come and join us for dinner tonight all is calm all is bright..
O Lord patiently I have waiting on you but now I can see You have been waiting on me I need you to USE me in your way.
I am but yours to give and all I have is yours too... Forgive me for selfishness I pray ..I am being renewed because of you. I shall keep your birth fresh in my soul.I shall be born newly each day!
I shall blaze the world with Joy now and forever changed... not a slave to sin and shame or to others to blame I am yours.
Yes, I shall be YOURS....
Keep me I pray..
Dr Theresa Phillips