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Dr. Theresa Phillips

2018 The Voice Of God Over The Nations

Dr Theresa Phillips

I heard the Voice Of God Speaking Over Nations.

As the snow is falling silently and intermittently gust of radical wind at the same time I sat in awe by the window.

It was so amazing to see two weather extremes simultaneously operate.

As I waited for the Presence not knowing for sure if this was a message .. I sat still.

Then... He came With such a word...

See these two movements in the elements? Yes, Lord.

There will be extremes in 2018 Tow diverse yes compatible extremes.

Brewing is a fight as if Hell itself will be unleashed ..And then... A grace that will bring a state of peace that really exceeds the understanding of man.

The church will experience vast challenges accompanied with a peace brought by those who will search for me in the hidden places.

The hidden gems will come forth says the Lord.

5 Nations will be in the media and shall be watched and they shall share these revelations.

America you are about to find a resource that you have not found before .. This resource will bring a great value to you that the WORLD is waiting for .. This resource will be a TURNING point for your President and he will begin to be received and sought out by 100s of world leaders.

The resource is in the earth. A Mine will open that will have a vein of gold In the USA and gem mines Internationally.

I will return the "Mom& Pop Stores in America As the climate for shopping will change.

Rents will be lowered and entrepreneurship will explode in America Says The Lord. COMING FROM THE CHURCH! Business will be built and incomes will rise.

When the Lord was speaking to me he then said "Rubies will be talked about nationally and internationally for there will be a mine in

Australia and in New Zealand Mines will begin to see rare gems....King and Queens will seek after these gems as symbols of their station

BUT you o church I am going to show and give many to you as a sign of My Dwelling with you.

You are betrothed to me says the Lord and I say you are of More Value than rubies or pearls ( Pro31:10) says the Lord Yet as a sign you will see these emerge as a" Fashion Piece for 2018" ... Because I fashioning you my beloved ... Cutting you and sanding you into BRILLIANCE.

Yes, the Glory that was manifesting several years ago is about to return to the houses of Glory dwellers Watch and see Listen and Believe in the miraculous signs and wonders I am giving you.


Chuch in Wales: A new breed of evangelists will emerge from you and you will be a firebrand in my Presence you will be asked to go to International But I ask you to ask me before you go for I am birthing NEW WAVE OF RESTORATION IN WALES. Look to my flocks in your houses says the Lord. Tend your flock and they will multiply. For the sound of Wales will be heard around the world Even the wailing of Sorrow for the Lost.

Industry in Wales

The sheep industry is about to become an international expert of the highest level I have multiplies you sheep to give you this resource. says the Lord Just as I did Jacob.

Gen 30: 32 'Don't give me anything,' Jacob replied. 'But if you will do this one thing for me, I will go on tending your flocks and watching over them:

The Netherlands:

Amsterdam Jobs are on the increase and Entrepreneurs will come forth.

An invention in the industry especially the tool industry will come forth.

There will be a new Cancer research released in Norway and an influx of interest in tourism. Norway is contemplating joining the EU says the Lord.


In your nation, a Pro Golfer that will make many headlines This golfer will win the largest Championship in 2018.

As political unrest continues in your nation I will raise up a group of ecumenical leaders who will begin to advise heads of state on biblical matters. The Bible will regain INTEREST in Germany!

There, will begin a new wave of interest in Orthodox and Evangelical circles.

The result will be many will come to the Church to find refuge from oppression and depression says the Lord.


Thier is a regrouping in the realm of the church about to take place.

I warn you to listen to the scriptures for in them you will find wisdom and peace.

Your clergical leadership will change, and two vastly opposing sides will emerge, and people will become confused.


I am awakening many in the Body of Christ to become BOLD and proclaim their independence from the error-filled faith-based communities.

All walks of life will have pockets of Bible embracing ethic and these will begin to emerge as a new " breed of evangelists"

As they come forth Prayer from the Nationwide church will emerge in order to give wisdom an clarity to the Changing Of leadership in the nation.

The Royal Family;

I am calling for a Nationwide prayer incentive over his Royal Highness Prince Charles and her Royal Highness The Duchess Of Cornwall as they take on a more prominent role in the world in 2018

This family must be covered in Prayer says the Lord They are all becoming Icons like the world has not seen in recent years Pray for them to stay true to the oaths Plans and Purpose I have established long ago.

Pray their Faith will be strong and not compromised Pray for the safety of this family says the Lord..

Then after I was hearing this from the Lord I began to hear so softly in my spirit Silent Night Holy Night all is calm all is bright...

My mid when to the manger scene we have all seen, and I heard three scriptures Loud and clear!

Pray for the leaders:

I Timothy 2:1-2 - I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.

Nations Calling

Psalms 2: 8 Ask me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession.


Matt 28: 19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

Mark 16:15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, but he that believeth not shall be damned.

All I could say is Here am I Lord send me. Your servant is Listening.

Dr. Theresa Phillips

The Kings Ambassador

Dr. Theresa Phillips



Global Prophetic Live Broadcasting

Take A Leap Of Faith Into The Glory!

Dr. Theresa Phillips

I'm sending a fresh wind of my spirit to blow away the chaff the pain and the hurt. The sorrow that's been on the body for a very long time will begin to fade. Remember I said I will turn your mourning into dancing. Remember old things are passed away all things become new. Remember the plans I have for you are for good and not evil. The focus is about to change. Time to look up for redemption draws nigh. Time to put on your praise it changes the atmosphere. Time to love and a time to hate love that which is good hate that which is evil. We're on the brink of a brand-new day do not give up do not be discouraged. Put your hope in the written word there you will find your revival says the Lord.

Dr Theresa Phillips

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Chicago IL, USA

©2017 by Theresa 

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