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Free Broadcast Feb 15 Your Heavenly Identity Priest & King Theresa Phillips

You Are Royalty!

Your Heavenly Identity Priest & King

Adapted From The Book Monarchy of Heaven

Starts March 1 - 11 AM CDT


Feb 15 @ 11 AM CDT

This is A Beta Course


50% off until class ends then the Price Goes Up

To 397.00

Dr. Theresa Phillips

Register for this Online School The Monarchy Of Heaven

Its and 12 Week Course Packed with Revelation Excitement and DEFINITION of your Heavenly DNA!

From the Forward

In this day, God is releasing a revelatory mantle upon His church ... it is a mantle of power and authority that comes with the wisdom for ruling as Kings and Priests in the Kingdom. Dr. Theresa Phillips has written this timely book as your guide to traversing through this supernatural realm of favor and blessing. This book will give you a fresh vision of our Heavenly King and His Kingdom as well as an enlightening insight into divine protocols for entering into these greater spheres of His Majestic Glory. You will be blessed as your read and embrace the message contained within these pages!

Joshua Mills Best-selling author "31 Days To A Miracle Mindset"

12 Sessions

1 A Royal Priesthood Every believer has a right to access this part of Christianity. But not all will embrace it.

2 Understanding the Heavens If history can teach us anything, it should be this: What works for man does not always work for God. A democracy is not the method of the kingdom of God; He demands to rule by a theocracy.

3 The Palace When it comes to protocol in the palace, we must first realize that you cannot call yourself to the palace, you must be invited or called to it! Once you are in it, you have entered another world completely apart from the outside.

4 The Priesthood of God We must remember that royal is an inherited position to fulfill the government of God in the land and embrace His divine will.

5 Consecration Consecration is the act of oneself or itself also known as self-abasement; set apart for service, willingly changed forever. It is a necessary ingredient in the priesthood.

6 Aaron the Priest "And no man taketh this honour unto himself, but he that is called of God, as was Aaron" (Hebrews 5:4, KJV).

7 Zadok the Priest The priesthood is an official part of the house of David, a royal priesthood in action. Zadok and Abiathar acted as high priests on several important occasions.

8 The Order of Melchizedek "And Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine: and he was the priest ofthemost high God" (Genesis 14:18, KJV).

9 The Transfer of PowerfromAaron, to Levi, to Melchizedek, to Jesus, the transfer of power for the priesthood has been transferred to us through a royal bloodline. ... But does a royal bloodline count today?

Yes, every King will have his demands! He demands honor, respect, 10 The Demands of a Kingsubmissionand glory. He demands praise and worship. He demands victory in His realm!

11 A Matter of Honor The power of giving and receiving honor is very difficult for many in the American church. Coming from a heritage of true rebellion toward tyranny, we see the American church suffer from a lack of showing honor.

12 Living in the Monarchy To live in the heavenly monarchy, we need to learn to express and posture ourselves for the coming Christ and the King of glory.


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For The Ceremony Of Consecration during the course

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