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Kings & Priests Emerging With Quills In Their Hands Dr Theresa Phillips

While just thinking about God's prophetic realm, I began to sense a shift.

And It was happening very quickly!

Then I heard this…

A New Wave of Kings and Priests are emerging with Crowns on their heads and Quills in their hand.

My heart was racing. I could feel and sense the realm adjusting itself here.

I heard this clearly:

1 Peter 2: 9

But you are A CHOSEN RACE, A royal PRIESTHOOD, A HOLY NATION, A PEOPLE FOR God's OWN POSSESSION, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;

I was thrilled to hear this because it’s my sweet spot in ministry to equip and teach on the Royal Priesthood. Oh I have loved the topic!

I whispered to the Lord Is this really it?

Is it really happening?

I heard this “YES for Such a Time as This!”

There is going to be a company of Royal Kings And Priests emerging in the near future.

These Anointed ones will have had YEARS of intimacy with the Lord.

They have been hidden and paid a huge price for their calling.

These have spent decades in prayer and fasting.

They are becoming a HOLY Nation… Set apart from the cares of this world.

Be ready to see many called into high places of influence talking to Kings and World Leaders.

I have a set my seal on them says, The Lord.

John 6 2: 27 Do not work for the food that perishes, but for l the food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give to you. For on nhim God the Father has set his seal.”

The price paid has been enormous but it will be so beneficial to the coming years.

Some of these kings and priests will carry the Anointing of Great Kingship upon them.

They will be wearing a spiritual crown that will not be removed.

The Royal Priesthood is emerging!

Royal Is to reign.

Priesthood is with God

The Royal Priesthood is to Reign and Rule With GOD.

The operative word here is WITH.

The season is changing and so is the wind of the Spirit.

“I’m blowing away chaff and I am installing new officers in my kingdom” says the Lord.

I have selected several who are being Kings and Priests even now, Says the Lord.

This company will begin to emerge in strategic cities.

I have already begun to release this company. For their heart is to completely serve the Kingdom as Set Apart ones. Yes they have suffered great losses and trials, YET, they are MINE and I have sealed them to this day!

I’m opening cities for them NOW says the Lord.”

Tampa Florida

Chicago Illinois

Dayton Ohio

Green Bay Wisconsin

Atlanta Georgia

San Francisco California

Baltimore Maryland

Georgetown Pennsylvania

Flint Michigan

Albuquerque New Mexico

Hoopeston Indiana

Reno Nevada

Rome New York

These are just a few that are being released now. More and More will emerge. Many will be shocked as to whom I use!

I have set my seal of Ordination on them. I’ve cleansed them in my Word. They sought me out and I have heard their cries for Cities, Regions and Families.

I have Heard!!

I then had a vision…

I saw men and women walking side by side as if they were at a coronation.

Their coronation.

I saw long white robles lined with Scarlet and Gold.

Their crown in their head was best described as a Miter and A Golden Circlet incrusted with the stones of the 12 tribes of Israel.

The same stones as described in Revelation 21.

Each one had a quill in their hand. The quill was large dipped in red ink. ( or blood)

Each one began to move forward toward a huge desk.

The desk had a massive book on it.

As they wrote their name, an assigned angel emerges dressed in white with a golden sash to assist them on their mission.

Quickly they were dispatched to Proclaim the Holiness of God and to deliver the strength to the people.

These angels were full of God given authority to deliver the message of the kingdom Matt 4 17 The Kingdom is at hand!

Hebrews 1: 14 Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation.

The Word was alive in my own spirit as I was watching this unfold in front of me.

I had seen a coronation take place and I wanted in!

The mastery of the atmosphere was charged with fresh vitality encompassed with Praise for The King loudly echoing through the space. The people were strong healthy and wise.

They had set their face strong like flint (Isa 50: 7).

With hands held high as in surrender, the Praise and Glory was illuminating the atmosphere like a knife sharp and quick!

Each one who signed the book was a new creature.

The change had begun. It was time to execute the move of GOD.

Clearly, each one was destined to obey!

My own heart was convicted. Could this happen to me I asked? Then I began to cry out!!

Dear God: I cried let me partake!

Jeremiah 33: 3 Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.'

I began to call upon the Lord I called out for my children, my grandchildren up to 1000 Generations!

Get Theresa Book The Monarchy Of Heaven A Royal Priesthood

Lord call us to be Kingdom Kings and Priests Train Us Show Us the Way!

That part of the Lord’s prayer shouted through my lips “Lead me not into Temptation but Deliver us from evil for thine is the Kingdom The Power and The Glory Forever and Ever Amen! Matt 6 :13. I cried it over and over!

I began to weep.

The Company of Kings and Priests are finally coming forth.

And I prayed Dear Lord make me That Ambassador Make Me A King and Priest I desperately want to bring that Glory into Heaven when my days are done.

(Rev 21: 24). Amen.

Dear friend: If you are reading this word you are beginning become ignited to be in this company.

Will you serve? Will you pray? Will you Pay the price? Can we do this together?

My cry is YES LORD YES!

As Always. Here Am I Lord send me.

Dr. Theresa Phillips

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Chicago IL, USA

©2017 by Theresa 

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