Dr Theresa Phillips Started her ministry in the north section of an old farmhouse.
Over the past 30 Years she has seen miracles signs and wonders
She has authored 22 books and is currently working on publisher he 23.
She is a recording artist out of Nashville Tenn.
She pastors a church in her community Kingdom Global Impact Center
During this 30 Years she has seen 1000s come to the Lord 11 Raised from the dead and over 250 ministers placed into full time ministry.
Her passion is always to educatee with Biblical principles.
She has been a forerunner in 1997 she became an ordained bishop and Overseer for IAOGI. This was when women were not doing this job.
As a forerunner she knows whats its like to be ridiculed and ignored. But her persistence has paid off. Making her an example to many!
Dr THeresa Phillips is also an entrepreneur.
She has 3 Companies and Two outside her church ministry she is running.
Her online prophetic site Global Prophetic Voice Has given many up and coming prophets a start!
She is recipient of the Angelic Visitation that brought her to the Glory Oil that has been shipped to every state and over 20 Countries.
From that oil ame Redeem And Renew Skin Solutions LLC
This skincare company is transforming many lives!
Academia is important Dr Theresa has hosted several Onlines Schools and Is Dean of Praise Christian Seminary which is accredited education at her church.
Over the last 5 years she has spearheaded the Women's Empowerment Movement of Destiny Arising The Movement has over 1000 women involved from across America and Abroad and is Growing!
Serving and Giving Back to her Community is also vital to her.
She and her Husband Robert Founded a Charity called
Be A Hero To A Hero This Charity is receiving a lot of attention in her area for its passion in Gifting Stockings at Christmas to the Many veterans In the area.
She continues to forge ahead and is open to invitations to speak
Please join us is saying well done!
Try to join us in this celebration and dont forget a picnic follows!
Need more info about the Celebration Contact Karen Tews at
630 232 6562
See you there!