I Heard the Lord say The Isolator Is Being Thrown Down!
As I was praying and seeking the Lord I heard the Isolator is being thrown down!
So many people have been left in isolation from friends and family over the last few years says the Lord
I am breaking a spirit of isolation NOW and bringing you back into fellowship with one another.
I am also bringing you into places where you will be valued and appreciated.
Now more will you be left to feel abandoned and isolated.
Matthew 28:20 b And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
For once you felt remote from the things that are " Happening I am now going to place you in some happening moments .
I am planning great things for my people.
Wake up o sleeper I am stirring you The enemy has lulled you to sleep But i am awakening you Says the Lord.
Eph 5:14
This is why it is said: "Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you."
The Anointing is being revealed in you and on you and through you to do mighty exploits!
Stand up now shake off the dust and go forth aways for the isolation th has been surrounding you Is no more!
Arise Says The Lord I am With you!
Dr Theresa Phillips The Kings Ambassador
Join us Jan 24-26 The Prophetic Realms are Moving!